Print Guidelines


Here are our basic recommendations for most projects. For our full Help page that includes more information and tutorials & tips, click here.  


please ensure that your file meets the following standards:

We recommend uploading files in 'Press Quality' PDF format. For simple instructions on exporting a PDF from InDesign, click here. 

Use a minimum of 300 DPI (image resolution) at output size. Try not to reduce resolution at all while making your project until you are exporting your final file. For a more detailed explanation of image resolution, click here

CMYK colorspace is recommended (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK). These are industry standard colors for printed materials. CMYK is different than RGB (Red, Green, Blue) used for digital display. RGB is accepted here at Bug, and sometimes produces great effects, but color will shift. 

Include a 0.125 inch bleed on all sides of trim line

Ensure all important elements are 0.125 inches within trim line

If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us!